
Under the auspices of the Institute for European and Global Studies, the Alliance Europa programme brings together teacher-researchers from the universities of Nantes, Angers and Le Mans, as well as ESSCA [as well as associated researchers and experts].

Any teacher-researcher in social sciences from one of these institutions addressing issues related to the scientific project of Alliance Europa can join this collective.

What are the advantages for teacher-researchers?

Teacher-researchers within the Alliance Europa network:

– gain visibility at regional level but also at a more global level

– are in touch with other researchers and actors in the area

– participate in a multidisciplinary framework of reflection

– count among the actors reflecting on European issues for tomorrow’s Europe

– can be supported to develop new innovative research and teaching projects

– can apply for funding for a research project, international mobility, hosting international researchers.

– receive support in monitoring and setting up projects funded by the European Union, the ANR, or other schemes

Researchers within Alliance Europa can have different levels of involvement. The axis coordinators, researchers involved from the outset in the structuring of Alliance Europa are the reference researchers for each of the scientific axes of Alliance Europa. “Accompanied” chairs and researchers are supported by Alliance Europa for the development of their research. Other researchers take part in certain Alliance Europa projects and are regularly informed of current events in the area of European studies. Associate experts and researchers promote the development of the international dimension of the collective. Doctoral students are also welcome to join the collective.


Participation in Alliance Europa does not affect the place of research or the affiliation to research laboratories.

How to join this network?

Contact the Alliance Europa team!

The Institute's researchers

Vincent Andreu-Boussut

Vincent Andreu-Boussut

Lecturer in geography, member of the ESO-University of Le Mans laboratory

Research themes :

– The construction and implementation of policies for nature protection and sustainable development of coastlines

– The relations between societies and their natural environment, particularly on the coasts of mainland France and overseas (French Guiana, Guadeloupe), the Mediterranean (Algeria) and Canada.

– The social geography of governance and the analysis of representations of nature and the dissemination of naturalist and scientific knowledge.

Vincent Andreu-Boussut is developing the WILD EUROPE network, with the support of Alliance Europa.

More information>>



Lecturer – CREN Laboratory – Le Mans University

Isabelle Audras is co-leader of workpackage 2 (“Schools, multilingualism, migration”) of the AMICAE° project.



Head of the IESCI Master Doctor of Economics and Associate Professor

Head of the Master 2 in Economic Intelligence and International Competitive Strategies

Research themes:

– International economy: specialization, competitiveness, country risk, globalization paradox, equilibrium exchange rate, FDI, balance of payments

– Knowledge economy: information cycle, economic intelligence, learning, “learning by sharing”, “cooperation”, networks, clusters, competitiveness clusters, etc.

Michel Catala



Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Nantes - Director of the Institute for European and Global Studies.

The director of the Institute for European and Global Studies since its creation in 2015, Michel Catala launched the RFI Alliance Europa programme in 2013, with Arnauld Leclerc. A university professor since 2004, he directed the CRHIA, a history laboratory bringing together 50 teacher-researchers and 89 doctoral students in Nantes and La Rochelle. He has a long practice of directing research structures and collective research programmes on the history of Europe on a regional (DCIE) and national (Labex EHNE) scale. A specialist in the history of international relations in Europe and the history of European construction, he has been teaching these subjects for 15 years. He is the author of numerous publications on these issues, and has also launched many international partnerships. He is the founding president of the Maison de l’Europe in Nantes, and is particularly familiar with civil society and local authority actors working on European issues in Nantes and the Loire region.

More information

Virginie Chaillou-Atrous

Virginie Chaillou-Atrous

Doctor of Contemporary History. Lecturer and in charge of research support at the CRHIA, University of Nantes.

Virginie Chaillou-Atrous is a post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Research in International and Atlantic History (CRHIA) of the University of Nantes. She coordinates the work of Research Axis 4 (Europe, the Europeans and the world) of the EHNE laboratory of excellence (Writing a new history of Europe). She is a specialist in forced circulation and migration in the Western Indian Ocean. She is particularly interested in the history of African and Indian indentured servants in Reunion Island in the 19th century.  She is the author of numerous articles and books including De l’Inde à la Réunion. Histoire d’une transition, l’épreuve du lazaret 1860-1882 (La Réunion, Océan Éditions, 2002) and Esclaves sous contrat. Histoire des engagés africains à La Réunion au XIXe siècle (Vendémiaire, 2016).

Virginie Chaillou-Atrous is co-leader of two projects supported by Alliance Europa: LIPE and DIASCOM.

Renaud Colson

Renaud Colson

Lecturer in Law at the University of Nantes – DCS (Law and Social Change) Laboratory

Procedural Law, Comparative (Criminal) Law, European Criminal Law, Drug Law, Legal Theory

Jean-Marc Ferry

Jean-Marc Ferry

Philosopher, University Professor

Jean-Marc Ferry has held the Chair of Philosophy of Europe at the University of Nantes at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Nantes since its foundation in 2011. He is Honorary Professor of Political Science and Moral Philosophy at the Université libre de Bruxelles, Doctor honoris causa of the University of Lausanne (2000) and of the Université Saint-Louis de Bruxelles (2017), and a former scholarship holder of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Bonn). He is a member, among others, of the Jean Monnet Foundation, the Spinelli Group for Europe, and the European Observatory of University Policies. Jean-Marc Ferry is Commander of the Order of Leopold and Grand Officer of the Order of Leopold II (Belgium), Gold Medal of the Academy of Agriculture of Paris. In 1995, the French Academy awarded him the Prix La Bruyère for the body of his work. His work has been awarded twice by the Institut de France: La Bruyère Prize of the French Academy, in Philosophy, Morality, Sociology, “for the body of his work” (1995); Louis Marin Prize of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, for his book The Question of the European State (2001).

To date, he has published some thirty books, some two hundred and fifty journal articles, chapters in collective works, interviews and expert reports, many of which deal with European issues.

He directs the Humanities collection at Éditions du Cerf (Paris) and the collection La Pensée élargie at Éditions Le Bord de l’Eau. He co-directs with Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners the Philosophy and Society collection at the Éditions de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles and, with Alain Renaut, the Applied Philosophy collection at the Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne. His latest work is entitled La Raison et la foi. Une philosophie de la religion. Among his most important works are Les Puissances de l’expérience (1991), Philosophie de la communication (1994), L’Ethique reconstructive (1996), La Question de l’Etat européen (2000), De la Civilisation (2001), Valeurs et normes (2002), La Question de l’Histoire (2002), Les Grammaires de l’intelligence (2004), Europe, la voie kantienne (2005), La Religion réflexive (2010), La République crépusculaire (2010), La Raison et la foi (2016).

He is also a promoter of the concept of Universal Allowance.

Read Jean-Marc Ferry’s resume

Karsten Forbrig

Karsten Forbrig

Karsten Forbrig is ATER at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Department of Germanic Studies of the University of Nantes. He teaches theatre, translation, Germanic civilisation and cultural mediation. His research focuses on the theory and practice of theatre, German literature, German cinema, translation, cultural mediation.

He is codirector of the “Creation & Crisis” project, supported by Alliance Europa.



Professor at the Institute of Economics and Management of Nantes, at LEMNA (Laboratoire d’Economie et de Management de Nantes-Atlantique) - University of Nantes

Research themes: Research studies and methods, Digital marketing (Search Marketing, Mobile marketing, Privacy, Avatars, Augmented Reality), Organization of companies in networks (Franchise), Market orientation

Claire Gauzente was coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 4, “European Cultures, Appropriations, Transmissions, Representations” and is a member of the AMICAE° programme.



Lecturer in Management, in charge of the Master 2 MAE Management Dual Competence within the IAE Nantes - Economics and Management and the LEMNA research unit of the University of Nantes.

Since 2021, Mathias Guérineau has been coordinating the MATIN network project in the framework of the “International Networks” call for proposals of the Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global Studies.



Lecturer-researcher in geography at the LETG laboratory of the University of Nantes.

In charge of the M2-GAEM (geography and planning of maritime spaces)

Research themes:

– Integrated coastal analysis and management;

– Analysis of regional, national and European public policies for coastal development;

– System of actors;

– Identification and recomposition of territories.

Thierry Guineberteau coordinates Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 3 “Europe in the world”.

Estelle D’Halluin

Estelle D’Halluin

Lecturer in sociology, at the CENS at the University of Nantes, specialist in immigration policies.

Estelle d’Halluin is a lecturer in sociology at the University of Nantes. Since the 2000s, she has been carrying out research on immigration policies, combining the political sociology of law, health and mobilisation. Her empirical approach is based on archive analysis, interviews and ethnography. She is currently involved in several research programmes on asylum policies. She is a member of the ARRECO project and the EFAA programme “Exploring the frames of altruistic action. A comparative analysis of volunteers’ engagement in British and French pro-asylum charities”, funded by ESRC.

Cooperation with Alliance Europa

Estelle is a member of the ARRECO project (The reception and resettlement of refugees in Europe: categorisation and operationalisation) and is in charge of the pedagogical aspects of in-service training (“Asylum seekers, refugees, migrants: what kind of reception?) »

Thomas Hoerber



Director of ESSCA's EU-Asia Institute - Professor of European Studies at ESSCA - Coordinator of Alliance Europa's Axis 1 "Governing Europe in a globalised world".

Research topics: European history and policy; space, energy and environmental policies of the EU and its partners; European Studies; International Relations

Thomas Hoerber coordinates the international network “The Governance of Sustainability in Europe”.

More information

Stanislas Jeannesson



Professor of contemporary history at the University of Nantes and member of the CRHIA

Stanislas Jeannesson is a specialist in the history of international relations in the 20th century and the evolution of diplomatic practices. He is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Nantes and a member of the CRHIA. His research focuses in particular on the place of Europe in the international system, from the European Concert to the European Union, and on the existence of a European diplomatic culture. He has published several books and articles on the emergence and affirmation of the European idea, particularly in the inter-war period, and on the dynamics and resistances that affect the project of a united Europe. He has been teaching the history of the European idea and construction for 15 years, at all bachelor’s and master’s levels, first at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne and then at the University of Nantes. Stanislas Jeannesson is also editor-in-chief of the journal Monde(s), which seeks to rethink the history of continental areas in the context of the permanent connections that they constantly maintain.

Stanislas Jeannesson is the coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 3 “Europe in the World”.

Günter Kraüse

Günter Kraüse

Emeritus Professor of Germanic Studies at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures of the University of Nantes.



Senior lecturer, Private Law and Criminal Sciences

  • Director of the University Research Chair in Law & Societal Transitions
  • Head of Development, Partnerships & Research and the Law, Ethics & Digital course at the Faculty of Law – Laval (Le Mans University)
  • Head of the professional degree in Agricultural Business Law
  • Head of the degree in Law, Ethics & Digital course
Arnauld Leclerc



Professor of political science at the University of Nantes and director of the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange-Guépin from 2015 to 2020. Holder of the “Telos, Ethos, Nomos Europa” Jean Monnet Chair. Coordinator of Alliance Europa's Axis 1 "Governing Europe in a globalised world".

A member of the Law and Social Change Laboratory (CNRS/University Joint Research Unit n°6297), Arnauld Leclerc is a specialist in political theory applied to Europe. He directs the Master 2 in Political Science of Europe and created in 2011 an original selective bachelor’s degree dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of Europe. All the classes he teaches relate to European studies, contributing to the vitality of this field and to the debates on European issues through his regular participation in public debates and the organisation of numerous scientific and extra-academic events. He is the president of Euradio, a radio school specialising in European issues, welcoming students from all over Europe every year and broadcasting in several languages.

He is the coordinator of the Chair of European Philosophy project held by philosopher Jean-Marc Ferry, and the author of several collective works including Les intellectuels et le pouvoir. Déclinaisons et mutations (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012), Conclusion : La citoyenneté européenne en temps de crise and L’Europe : crise et critique (Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2016, 2017) and Du mot au concept. La démocratie comme intellectualisation de la dispute sociale (2017), L’Europe face au défi des religions: construire un espace public par-delà la sécularisation (2017). His research themes are the the philosophy of Europe, the theory of democracy and the philosophy of the university.

See the page of the “Télos Ethos Nomos Europa” Chair.



Lecturer in Political Science at the University of Nantes.

– Co-responsible for the Master 2 Political Science of Europe

– Research topics: Public Policies, Comparison, Social Policies in Europe, Gender, Care.



Marianne Lefebvre is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the GRANEM (Anjou Research Group in Economics and Management) at the University of Angers.

Her research focuses on :

– Environmental economics

– Agricultural economics

– Experimental economics

– Evaluation of Public Policies

Félicien Lemaire

Félicien Lemaire

Professor of public law - Director of the Jean Bodin Centre - University of Angers

As Professor of public law at the University of Angers, his teaching focuses on constitutional law, the law of fundamental freedoms, constitutional litigation and European constitutional justice. His research topics mainly concern constitutional law through issues regarding the sovereignty of the State, the indivisibility of the Republic, the self-determination of peoples and their identity and the law of fundamental freedoms, in particular discrimination and the principle of non-discrimination.

Félicien Lemaire was one of the coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 2, “Plural societies and identity building”, and co-leader of the research project “CITER – Europe and the borders of citizenship in Europe”.

He is currently co-leading the research network Citizenships and identifications in Europe (CITIDEN).



University Professor of English Literature at the University of Nantes - CRINI

Georges Letissier is the coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 4, “European Cultures, Appropriations, Transmissions, Representations”.

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HDR professor in American cinema at 3L.AM - Le Mans Université, Delphine Letort is the director of the 3 L.AM laboratory (Le Mans site).

Delphine Letort is co-carrier of workpackage 3 (” Art transmission and artistic production”) of the AMICAE° project.

Stéphanie Morandeau

Stéphanie Morandeau

Human and Social Sciences Engineer - Law and Social Change (CNRS/UMR6297) - University of Nantes

A doctor of Philosophy and Engineer at the CNRS, her work focuses on 19th-century republican philosophy, its ideologies, its currents (positivism, anti-colonialism), and its relationship to European colonial policy. It also covers post-colonialism, identity issues and citizenship processes in Europe.

Stéphanie Morandeau was one of the coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 2, “Plural societies and identity building”, and co-leader of the research project “CITER – Europe and the borders of citizenship in Europe”.

She is currently coordinating the research network Citizenships and identifications in Europe (CITIDEN).



Professor of Literature- 3LAM - Le Mans Université

A Professor of literature at Le Mans Université, and a member of 3LAM, Brigitte Ouvry-Vial is also a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, and director of the Institut des Humanités Numériques du Mans. She supervises the work of young researchers on printed and digital written culture.

Brigitte Ouvry-Vial leads the ANR 2014-2017 “Reading in Europe 15th-21th century” European network ( (50 EC from 15 countries), is Management Committee Substitute of the E-READ COST Action (IS1404). A member of the SHARP-L Translation Committee (John Hopkins U., USA), she is also the North American geographical referent for International Relations at the University of Maine. She has created several research groups (2004-2008, G.E.S.T. U. Paris7, 2008-2011) “Woman publishers and book workers”, Dict. Encyclopédique des Femmes Créatrices, (2012-2014), PLLI (2011-2014, Pratiques du livre, de l’imprimé, de la Lecture CPER 10 en Région PLLI), she also carries out various international activities (Visiting Professor at Drew University, N.J., Investigadores Residentes Casa de Velasquez Madrid, Guest seminar in Asia, Europe, Erasmus agreements …).

Brigitte Ouvry-Vial was the coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 4, “European cultures, appropriations, transmissions, representations”. She is currently leading the research project “AMICAE°– An Analysis of Innovative Mediations in Culture and the Arts for an Open Europe”and the european project Read-it, and also the network.



Founder of - Associate researcher at the University of Nantes. Doctor in public law from the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour. His thesis deals with "The European Union's migration policy". Holder of the "Genesis and development of the Schengen area" chair from 2017 to 2019.

Former director at the European Policy Centre (Brussels) –

Senior Research Associate at the Jacques Delors Institute (Paris) –

Some links :

– Yves Pascouau’s Twitter account

– European Migration Law’s Twitter account



Post-doctoral student at the Schengen Chair held by Yves Pascouau.

A doctor in political science from the Lumière-Lyon2 University, her research focuses on the construction of the European political space.

Her post-doctorate is funded by LABEX EHNE and the Université Bretagne Loire.

Gwénola Sébaux

Gwénola Sébaux

Professor of German Civilization - 3L.AM (EA 4335) - Catholic University of the West

Gwénola Sebaux has a doctorate in Germanic studies and is Professor of German civilisation at the Catholic University of the West. She is a specialist in German migration history and policy.

She heads the LÉMIC research team (Littératures-Étrangéité-Mutations-Identités culturelles). She is a member of the Franco-German Committee of Historians.

Her research focuses on German minorities in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the former USSR, and on migration and post-migration policy in contemporary Germany. She has devoted a significant part of her work to the Aussiedler, and to the analysis of the political and socio-cultural roots of these exogenous German population movements in the 20th century. Her research also focuses on the rhetoric and practices of memory, and on identity phenomena in the post-colonial and post-migration context.

Gwénola Sebaux was one of the coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 2 “Plural societies and identity building”, and co-leader of the research project “CITER – Europe and the borders of citizenship”.

She is currently co-leading the research network Citizenships and identifications in Europe (CITIDEN).



Lecturer in Comparative Literature, specialist in 20th- and 21st-century European literature at the University of Le Mans (UM).

Sylvie Servoise is the referent of the education pole of the RFI-Alliance Europa project for the University of Le Mans. As part the interdisciplinary module, she works on the theme “Questioning the European Idea”, she is also a referent for the “International Cultural Studies” diploma of the UM.

Albrecht Sonntag



Albrecht Sonntag is a member of Alliance Europa. He is Professor of European Studies at the EU-Asia Institute of ESSCA Ecole de Management (Angers).

Albrecht Sonntag is at the origin of the Alliance Europa Multiblog and has led a workshop on “Blogging: Why and How?” for doctoral students.

He was also one of the organizers of the Colloquium on the impact of Brexit on the Loire region, and of the study day on the contribution of sport to the integration of migrants and refugees in Europe.

Tristan Storme

Tristan Storme

Lecturer in political science at the University of Nantes. Member of the Centre for Political Theory, Université libre de Bruxelles.

Tristan Storme studied at the ULB in Brussels. He is a specialist in political theory applied to Europe. His work focuses in particular on the articulation of the political and the religious in Europe, on the reuse of concepts from Carl Schmitt by many intellectuals in the debate on Europe. He is the author of Carl Schmitt et le marcionisme. L’impossibilité théologico-politique d’un œcuménisme judéo-chrétien, published by Éditions du Cerf in 2008 and L’actualité du Tractatus de Spinoza et la question théologico-politique, co-directed with Quentin Landenne in 2014.

See his publications (FR content)

Bérangere Taxil



Professor of Public International Law at the Jean Bodin Centre, University of Angers

Bérangère Taxil is a specialist in international human rights law. A member of the International Institute of Human Rights, the French Society for International Law and the International Law Association, Bérangère Taxil has taught for about ten years in France and abroad on European and international issues. She has participated in several research projects on the issue of refugees. She is also an assistant judge at the National Court of Asylum.

– Cooperation with Alliance Europa:

Bérangère Taxil was coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Reaseach Axis 3, “Europe in the world”, she co-directs the ARRECO project on the reception of refugees in Europe and is currently supervising several doctoral theses on the subject.

A Professor of public law at the University of Angers, she is also co-director of the Master 2 in international and European law and organised the Charles Rousseau Moot Court competition in Angers in 2018.

More information >>

Clément Thibaud

Clément Thibaud

Professor of Contemporary History -CRHIA - University of Nantes from 2004 to 2017. A historian, Clément Thibaud was elected in 2017 to an EHESS directorate of studies entitled "Politics and Societies of Latin America. A Republican moment between empires and nations (1750-1900)".

Clément Thibaud is a specialist in the Atlantic history of the Iberian world, with a particular interest in the construction of modern democratic systems through Euro-American circulation and the integration of minorities in citizenship in a historical perspective. He is the initiator of a major regional project, devoted to the construction of legal and social status linked to colour and race (STARACO). He worked for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an expert on scientific cooperation with Latin America (and a member of the scientific committee of UMIFRE, which brings together the two French research institutions in Latin America). Clément Thibaud is also Secretary General of the Association of Contemporary Historians in Higher Education and Research.

Clément Thibaud was one of the coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Axis 2 “Plural societies and identity building” and co-leader of the research project “CITER – Europe and the borders of citizenship”.

More information

“Accompanied” Researchers (Attractiveness scheme)

The Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global Studies supports the recruitment by partner institutions of teacher-researchers whose research and teaching profiles correspond to the development of its scientific project and the training courses it accredits.

“Accompanied” teacher-researchers receive financial support to enable them to implement a 2- to 3-year work programme, including research missions abroad, the organisation of workshops, seminars, study days or colloquia, translations of publications or promotional activities.



University Professor, Head of the Franco-German Degree in European Studies, Researcher in Germanic Studies at the 3L.AM laboratory at the University of Le Mans.

– Head of the Franco-German Bachelor’s degree in European Studies, German Department

– University Professor

– Research topics

  • Literature and history of ideas from the Aufklärung to Romanticism
  • Franco-German cultural and scientific transfers
  • Constitution and transmission of texts; the archive
  • Intellectual networks and scientific communication

Anne Baillot is developing the research project “European Circulations, from archive to network: national identities and Franco-German heritage, from the Aufklärung to the digital age”.

More information (French content)



Professor of Public Law at the University of Angers and member of the Jean Bodin Centre.

Research themes :

– Temporal applicability of European Union law

– European animal law

Lauren Blatière is developing the “Changes in European animal law” research project.

Charlotte Barcat



Lecturer in British civilisation, member of CRINI, at the University of Nantes.

Research themes :

Northern Ireland, Bloody Sunday, public enquiries, management of a conflicted past, collective memory, official memory of the British state.

Charlotte Barcat is developing the research project “The role of Europe in the Northern Ireland peace process: legal and economic policies, changes in identity” with the support of Alliance Europa.

Charlotte Barcat is also Treasurer of the Société Française d’Etudes Irlandaises.

More information >>

Carole Billet



Lecturer in European Union Law at the Law and Social Change Laboratory - University of Nantes

Research themes :

– The differentiated participation of Member States in the European Union’s action on the international scene

– Decentralised agencies and the EU’s external action

– EU action in the field of migration and asylum

– Cultural law in the European Union

Responsibilities :

– Head of the “Justice, Trial, Procedure” Master’s degree (2nd year) (Pre-ENM) in Nantes

– Co-head of European Union Law Master’s degree (2nd year)

– Member of the Education and University Life Commission

Carole Billet is developing the research project “Legal studies on the European Union as an area of freedom, security and justice”, with the support of Alliance Europa.

She is also one of the leader of the project “The reception and resettlement of refugees in Europe: categorisation and operationalisation (ARRECO)”.



Senior Lecturer, Department of Hispanic and Hispano-American Studies, 3L.AM, University of Angers.

Research themes :

– Central American cinema

Member of the European Research Network on Central America, RedISCA

More information about her project “Europe and Latin America: a history of film exchanges and cooperation”.



Lecturer in political science, member of the Law and Social Change Laboratory at the University of Nantes.

Research themes :

– Comparative public policies (instruments of public action, political competition and public action)

– European governance and policies

– Environmental policies and sociology of the environment (environmental parties and movements)

– Energy policies and sociology of energy (renewable energies, nuclear energy, energy efficiency)

Collective responsibilities :

– Co-director of the “Parcours Europe” Licences

– Full member of the “Political Science” section (04) of the CNU

– Member of the Editorial Board of the Revue internationale de politique comparée

Aurélien Evrard is developing the research project “Ecological and Energy Transition(s) in Europe: A Comparative Perspective”.

The project is supported by Alliance Europa.

More information >>

Antonella Forganni



Associate Professor and Researcher in European Union Law at ESSCA, EU-Asia Institute

Research themes :

– The EU’s foreign relations, especially with China

– The European integration process: Human rights / Trade policy / Air and space policy

Responsibilities :

– Head of the “Business Management and Environment” department

Antonella Forganni is developing the research project “The European Union’s internal and external relations and its integration processes” with the support of Alliance Europa.

Frédéric Gloriant



Senior Lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of Nantes, within the Research Centre for International and Atlantic History (CRHIA)

Research themes :

– the history of the Cold War and the construction of Europe

– nuclear and strategic issues

– Franco-British relations, French and British foreign policies

Frédéric Gloriant is developing the research project “From Berlin to Iran, Europe’s response to nuclear crises: directorates and multilateralism in the Euro-Atlantic area”.

More information >> >>



Lecturer in modern history at the TEMOS at the University of Angers

Research themes :

– cultural and religious history of early modern Italy (c. 1550 – c. 1750)

– commercial, spiritual and legal issues of the circulation of Catholic objects

Associate Researcher at TEMOS

Associate Researcher at CéSor (Centre d’études en sciences sociales du religieux) – EHESS

Partnership with Alliance Europa :

Marie Lezowski benefits from the Attractiveness scheme for her research activities – More about her project “Portable Europe – Christian objects in circulation: human mobility and the recomposition of European cultures (16th-18th centuries)”.



Lecturer in modern history, member of the CRHIA laboratory of the University of Nantes.

Main research themes :

16th-17th centuries, diplomacy, international relations, religious wars, revolts, dissent, political ideas and policies.

Fabrice Micallef is developing the project “Rebels in international relations. A Diplomatic, Legal and Moral Problem in 16th- and 17th-century Europe”, supported by Alliance Europa.

More information :



Associate Professor of Public International Law at the Jean Bodin Centre, University of Angers

Her research focuses more specifically on the law of the sea, international litigation, targeted sanctions and the application of international law in the domestic legal order. She also works as a legal consultant.

– Within Alliance Europa:

Alina Miron is the initiator of the project: “The sea as last frontier? Towards an observatory of maritime litigation”, financed by the Attractiveness programme of Alliance Europa.

She is co-director of the Master 2 in International and European Law and takes part in education activities supported by Alliance Europa, such as the interdisciplinary module (coordination of sub-module 2: Europe, a land of exile and migration). In 2018, she organised in Angers the Concours Rousseau, the most important international mooting competition in the French-speaking world.

Céline Pauthier



Lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of Nantes. Associate Researcher at the Centre de Recherches en Histoire Internationale et Atlantique (CRHIA)

Research themes :

– West Africa, Guinea in the 20th century

– History of decolonisation: imperial reforms and independence

– Citizenship, nationalism and identity construction

– Circulation and cooperation during the Cold War

– How is knowledge produced and what is at stake in memory (school, music, theatre, cinema)

Céline Pauthier is developing the research project “The Transnational dynamics of citizenship in Africa: becoming a citizen in Guinea at the time of independence” supported by Alliance Europa.



Lecturer in Public Law, researcher at the DCS laboratory of the University of Nantes

Main research themes: harmonisation of procedural right in Europe, legitimacy of community construction and federalist criticism, European asylum system, role of the European Union in managing a collaborative economy.

Araceli Turmo is developing the project “Construction of common citizenship and procedural law in the European area” supported by Alliance Europa.

More information :

PhD students



PhD student in Languages and Cultures in the framework of the AMICAE° project

In the framework of Alliance Europa’s AMICAE° project, Chloé Aubry is preparing a thesis on “Artist’s books in Europe today, the mediators of a new common sensibility”. Under the supervision of Brigitte Ouvry-Vial (Le Mans Université) and Claire Gauzente (University of Nantes), she works at the Doctoral School Societies, Cultures, Exchanges of Nantes for the 3LAM laboratory.



PhD student in Public Law, at the Doctoral School of Law, Economics-Management, Societies, Territories of Nantes

Nicolas Brémand is preparing a thesis on “The Digital Single Market and the Free Movement of Goods and Services” (DCS laboratory), under the supervision of Jean-Christophe Barbato, at the “Droit, Économie-Gestion, Sociétés, Territoires” doctoral school (Nantes).

Manon Damestoy

Manon Damestoy

PhD student in political science at the University of Nantes and the University of Saint-Louis de Bruxelles

At the Law and Social Change laboratory of the Doctoral School of Law and Political Science, Manon Damestoy is preparing a thesis on “European democracy in question: the case of free trade agreements” under the supervision of Arnauld Leclerc (DCS, University of Nantes) and Florence Delmotte (Institute of European Studies, University of Saint-Louis-Brussels). Manon also participates in the management of Arnauld Leclerc’s TEN Chair and in the digitization of Jean-Marc Ferry’s work.



PhD student in political philosophy/political science at the University of Nantes and the University of Montreal.

Within the “Law and Social Change laboratory” and the Doctoral School of Law and Political Science, Morgane Delorme is preparing a thesis on “The European Central Bank, a Contractualist Perspective; normative issues and  justification requirements” under the international co-supervision of Arnauld Leclerc (Law and Social Change, UFR Droit & Sciences politiques, University of Nantes) and Peter Dietsch (Ethics and Economics, Centre de Recherche en Éthique – Montréal, Department of Philosophy, University of Montreal).

Morgane Delorme is also a lecturer in Political Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Political Science of the University of Nantes.



PhD student in psychology at the University of Angers

Within the LPPL laboratory of the Doctoral School of Cognition, Education and Interactions in Angers, Irida Dinushi is preparing a thesis on “The integration process of foreign nationals who have signed the reception and integration contract (CAI)”. She is working under the supervision of Aubeline Vinay.



PhD student in Languages, Literature and German Civilization - 3L.AM (University of Angers)

Clotilde Duchenne is preparing a thesis on “The “migration crisis” of 2015 in North Rhine-Westphalia, towards a development of German “national identity”?” under the supervision of Gwénola Sébaux.

She is one of the winner of the 2020 call for applications “thesis scholarships” of the Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global Studies and as such benefits from financial support from the Institute until 2022.



PhD student in Contemporary History at the University of Nantes (CRHIA Laboratory)

Florian Galleri is preparing a thesis on the European dimension of the nuclear deterrent after the Cold War (1991-2017) under the supervision of Jenny Raflik.

He is one of the winner of the 2020 call for applications “thesis scholarships” of the Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global Studies and as such benefits from financial support from the Institute until 2022.



PhD student in linguistics and political science at Le Mans Université (3 L.AM)

Louisa Guy is preparing a thesis on « Area of contradiction? French and German foreign policies in their engagement for peace » under the supervision of Anne Baillot and Hans Stark (Paris-Sorbonne).

She is one of the winner of the 2020 call for applications “thesis scholarships” of the Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global Studies and as such benefits from financial support from the Institute until 2022.



PhD student in Letters, linguistics at the University of Le Mans

Within the 3L.AM laboratory and the Doctoral School of Arts, Letters and Languages, Anaïs Landeau is preparing a thesis on the following subject: “Thinking about European heritage. Comparative cultural and linguistic approach of emotions in multilingual historical texts: constitution of corpora, structuring of vocabulary and analysis through text mining”. She works under the supervision of Anne Baillot (3L.AM, Le Mans University) and Dominic Forest (School of Library and Information Sciences, University of Montreal).



PhD student in international law at the Jean Bodin Centre, University of Angers

The subject of her thesis in international law is “The reception of refugees in Europe: a comparative study of legal systems”, under the supervision of Bérangère Taxil (Jean Bodin Centre, University of Angers) and Estelle d’Halluin (CENS, University of Nantes) as part of the ARRECO project supported by Alliance Europa.



PhD student in contemporary history and sociology at the University of Nantes

Within the CRHIA laboratory (“Societies, times, territories” doctoral school), Julien Long is preparing a PhD on “Marginal Youth. Social mobilizations and informal reception of Unaccompanied Minors in Europe.” His thesis is co-supervised by Michel Catala, Professor of Contemporary History (CRHIA, University of Nantes) and Pierre Monforte, Senior Lecturer in Sociology (University of Leicester), in collaboration with Estelle d’Halluin, Senior Lecturer in Sociology (CENS, University of Nantes).

Julien Long has several activities related to his thesis. As a lecturer at the UFR of Sociology of the University of Nantes, he teaches “Methods of Investigation” (Licence 1) and “Classical Readings in Sociology” (Licence 2). He is also an associate researcher at the Policy department of the Institut Convergences Migrations, in charge of the research axis “Exile and Politics: Colonialism, Nationalism and Capitalism”. His thesis is co-financed by the research and development centre of the Energie Collective civil society. Julien participates in several action-research projects:

– Project of a reception centre for mobile young people in Nantes: project leader for la prépa solidaire des enfants nantais.

– Rivages, a European project, halfway between cinema and research, concerning the logic of hospitality in European ports.


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PhD student in History of Contemporary International Relations and Political Science at the University of Nantes

At the CRHIA laboratory, of the Societies, Time, Territories doctoral school, Sabikou Moumouni is preparing a thesis on “A Contribution to the consistency of development aid policies: a cross study of European and Chinese policies of economic cooperation with Africa since 2000”, under the supervision of Michel Catala (CRHIA, University of Nantes) and Mamoudou Gazibo (Department of Political Science, University of Montreal).



PhD student in Literature - 3 L.AM (Le Mans Université)

Elena Prat is preparing a thesis on emotions in reading under the supervision of Brigitte Ouvry-Vial.

She is one of the winner of the 2020 call for applications “thesis scholarships” of the Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global Studies and as such benefits from financial support from the Institute until 2022.



PhD student in History of International Relations, CRHIA - University of Nantes // Project manager for the summerschool "Local and regional stakeholders and European integration" (2022)

At the CRHIA of the University of Nantes, Lorraine Stravens has been preparing a thesis since September 2017 on “The emergence of local and regional governments in national and European development aid policies since 1980”, under the supervision of Professor Michel Catala, with the support of Alliance Europa (as part of the CITER project) and LabEx EHNE.

For Alliance Europa, Lorraine Stravens participated in the development of the LIPE project and the setting up of doctoral seminars.

From February to July 2022, Lorraine Stravens was project officer for the Institute for European and Global Studies Alliance Europa. She was involved in the preparation, organisation and evaluation of the summerschool “Local and regional stakeholders and European integration”.


PhD alumni

Daniela Heimpel

Daniela Heimpel

PhD student in political science at the University of Nantes and the University of Montreal, Canada.

At the Law and Social Change Laboratory of the Doctoral School of Law, Economics-Management, Societies, Territories, Daniela Heimpel is preparing a thesis entitled “Teaching Europe? Challenges, potential and limits of an education for European citizenship” under the co-supervision of Arnauld Leclerc and Jean-Marc Ferry for the University of Nantes and Magdalena Dembinska for the University of Montreal (scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Germany).

Since 2015, Daniela Heimpel has been part of the team of the Chair of European Philosophy, where she was an assistant before becoming an associate for her research on European citizenship and the functioning of the European public space. Since September 2017, she is a visiting student at the European University Institute, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Italy, under the supervision of Professor Rainer Bauböck.



PhD student in Public Law in Nantes

At the DCS laboratory of the Doctoral School of Law, Economics, Management, Environment, Society and Territories (DEGEST) in Nantes, Marta C. Salles is preparing a thesis on “The European Union’s action for the abolition of the death penalty – legal and political aspects”, under the supervision of Eric Mondielli.



PhD student in Languages and Literature at Le Mans Université

Within the Doctoral School Sciences, Cultures, Exchanges, 3LAM laboratory in Le Mans, Driss Mansour is preparing his thesis on “Transnationalism, a new mode of integration; the case of Moroccan migrants in the city of Boston”, under the direction of Redouane Abouddahab.



PhD student in Languages and Literature at the University of Nantes

Gwenaëlle Zielinski is preparing a thesis on the subject: “Mythologies of Europe. The elaboration of Stefan Zweig’s European thought in his historical biographies”. She works under the supervision of Werner Wogerbauer for the CRINI (Doctoral School Societies, Cultures, Exchanges) in Nantes.

Experts and guest researchers



Helen Drake - Professor of French and European Studies, Loughborough University, UK Member of Alliance Europa's committee of internationally recognised experts



Denis Duez is Professor of Political Science at the Institute of European Studies of the UCL Saint-Louis - Brussels.

He teaches European subjects there, mainly to first- and second-year master’s students. After having defended a doctoral thesis on European policies on internal security and the fight against illegal immigration, studied from the point of view of their contribution to the process of legitimation of the European political order (ULB, 2007), he became, in 2007-2008, European Studies Centre Visiting Fellow at St Antony’s College of the University of Oxford. He is currently President of the Institute of European Studies at the University Saint-Louis – Brussels and Director of the collection “Idées d’Europe” published by Bruylant.

His research focuses on the management of the Union’s external borders and on the changes in the modes of public action in the field of European internal security.



Professor at the University of the Aegean (Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology)

Holder of Jean Monnet European Chairs on Political European Integration and Multidisciplinary European Studies (2002-2009, 2010-2013) and three Jean Monnet European Modules (2010-2013, 2015-2017, 2016-2018). Furthermore, he is the coordinator of a Jean Monnet Network (since 2016) on the subject: Governance, Pluralism and Transnationalisation in Europe. President of ECSA-Greece (2013-2014), Vice President (2014-2016), Treasurer (2006-2009) and General Secretary (2009-2012). In the past, senior research officer at the Hellenic Centre for European Studies (1990-1998) and Special Advisor at the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (European Affairs, 1998-2001). Dean of School of Social Sciences (University of the Aegean) from 2014 to 2017. He published a lot of monographs, chapters in collective volumes and articles on the European integration and construction, Public International Law and Legal Environmental Protection, in Greek, French, English, Romanian, Portuguese and Chinese.



Professor of History and researcher at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. Holder of a Jean Monnet Chair ad personam.

Department of Economics and Management at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona.

Research topic: “Contemporary European Economic History. History of European integration”.

In residence at the MSH Ange Guépin from March 1 to October 31, 2016.

More information



Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Bologna, President of the EUROPA PUNTO Centre in Bologna.

Giuliana Laschi was invited to the University of Nantes as part of the chair of excellence of Labex EHNE (Writing a New European History) for 4 months from September 1 to December 24, 2017. She participates with her master students in European studies in the common interdisciplinary module “Europe in crisis in globalization”.



Frédéric Mérand, Director of CERIUM and the Centre of Excellence on the European Union at the Université de Montréal, is a specialist in European politics and the sociology of international relations. He is a member of Alliance Europa's expert committee.

Department of Political Science, Université de Montréal.

A former foreign policy advisor, he has been a visiting professor at the Universities of Toronto, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Lille and Guido Carli in Rome. His current research focuses on burden-sharing in international organizations, the politics surrounding the purchase of fighter aircraft and the decline of major powers.

Sergiu Miscoiu

Sergiu Miscoiu

Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca (Romania).

Director of the Centre for International Cooperation of the UBB. PhD and habilitation in Political Science (University Paris-East). PhD in History (UBB). Main research interests: the constructivist and the alternative theories applied to the nation building processes, to populism and to the dynamics of the Eastern European and Francophone African societies.