European Undergraduate Programme
Basic information
This programme allows students to follow a double study with, on one hand, the main disciplines of Law, History, English, German or Italian allowing them to obtain a Bachelor's degree, and on the other hand, the courses of the "Core curriculum of the European Programme" giving an interdisciplinary approach to the Bachelor's degree and valued by a diploma supplement.
Presentation of the Bachelor's in Law European programme (FR)
Presentation of the Bachelor's in History European Programme (FR)
Presentation of the Bachelor's in German European Programme (FR)
Presentation of the Bachelor's in Italian European Programme (FR)
Presentation of the Bachelor's in English European Programme (FR)
The third year includes, among its courses open to certain Bachelor's at the University of Nantes, a European Council simulation and a tutored project (internship or radio broadcast).
After the Bachelor's degree, students can go on to a Master's degree. The University of Nantes offers Master's degrees in European and International Studies. This specialisation combines master's in public law, political science and human and social sciences.
These courses are aimed at students who are destined for a European and international career or to work in national, public or private organisations related to Europe and the international arena.
- Master's degree in European and International Law
- Master's degree in Political Science of Europe
- Master's degree in European and International Projects Engineering
- Master's degree in International and European Fundamental rights
- Master's degree in Market Law
- Master's degree in European Union Law
- Master's degree in Law ans Safety of Maritime and Oceanic Activites
International dimension
- 20% of subjects taught in English
- 2 foreign languages
- one semester abroad in semester 5
Student Association
The AEPE is the Association of European Programme's Students. Its objective is to create a network of former and current students of the programme through informal meetings.
Information and admission
All high school students preparing for the baccalauréat this year, and all baccalaureate holders can apply through the Parcoursup procedure.
Admission to the Bachelor's is based on the student's file. It is strongly recommended that you have a baccalauréat in a general course.
Applications for the second year are done through a double procedure following admission on one hand and a request for Validation of Prior Learning on the other.
Student's presentation 2020-2021 (FR)
Faculty and Diploma's supervisor

Senior Lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of Nantes, within the Research Centre for International and Atlantic History (CRHIA)
Research themes :
– the history of the Cold War and the construction of Europe
– nuclear and strategic issues
– Franco-British relations, French and British foreign policies
Frédéric Gloriant is developing the research project “From Berlin to Iran, Europe’s response to nuclear crises: directorates and multilateralism in the Euro-Atlantic area”.

Lecturer in political science, member of the Law and Social Change Laboratory at the University of Nantes.
Research themes :
– Comparative public policies (instruments of public action, political competition and public action)
– European governance and policies
– Environmental policies and sociology of the environment (environmental parties and movements)
– Energy policies and sociology of energy (renewable energies, nuclear energy, energy efficiency)
Collective responsibilities :
– Co-director of the “Parcours Europe” Licences
– Full member of the “Political Science” section (04) of the CNU
– Member of the Editorial Board of the Revue internationale de politique comparée
Aurélien Evrard is developing the research project “Ecological and Energy Transition(s) in Europe: A Comparative Perspective”.
The project is supported by Alliance Europa.

In charge of the Master CCS – Cultural Mediation and International Communication
– Lecturer at the University of Nantes, Italian department, since 2005
– Responsible for the MCCI course
– Head of the interdisciplinary Master “Mediation, expertise, cultural promotion” (UFR Languages, History of Art, Sociology),
– Head of the Master in International Business M2 (Italian), since 2011

Head of the Bachelor's in English European Programme and the Master's degree in English Teaching
English Studies Department

Senior Lecturer, Germanic Studies (CRINI)
Maiwenn Roudaut is the Head of the Bachelor’s in German, European Programme.
She teaches civilisation, history of ideas and translation.
Research topics:
- Tolerance of minorities in the 18th century (Aufklärung)
- Theory of recognition
- Critical theory
- Social and political philosophy
- Education for democracy in Germany

Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures – University of Nantes
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures – University of Nantes
The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures has been an integral part of the Humanities and Social Sciences campus in Nantes since 1996. This component, one of the most important of the University (3000 students on average each year), is a rich and diverse community, as illustrated by its twofold structure (Foreign Languages, Literature and Cultures/Applied Foreign Languages) and its seven departments (Arabic, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Slavic and Oriental languages – Russian, Chinese, Japanese).
The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures has an international dimension (through numerous collaborations with foreign universities) and is open to the cultural life of the city (music festivals, theatre, video, cinema, exhibitions, etc.).
Faculty of History, History of Art and Archaeology – University of Nantes
Faculty of History, History of Art and Archaeology – University of Nantes
Located on the Tertre campus in Nantes, the UFR of History, Art History and Archaeology aims to train students by offering Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate degrees and to develop a research policy at national and international level.

Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Nantes
Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Nantes
Located on the Tertre campus, the Faculty of Law and Political Science is one of the most important department of the University of Nantes.
The diversification of the courses offered, the regular collaborations between teachers and professionals, the originality and recognition of the research carried out there, the constant international opening and the skills of all the staff attract a growing number of students.
It is also present on the La Roche-sur-Yon site.