A look back at the round-table discussion “War in Ukraine : how does Europe react ?” organised at Cosmopolis by the UniPaix Center in the context of the Україна Ukraine.
How does Europe react to the return of the war at its gates ?
How did European and German policies evolve, from welcoming the Ukrainian to arms transfer ?


Speakers :

  • Valérie Drezet-Humez, head of the European Commission representation in France
  • Albrecht Sonntag, sociologist at ESSCA (Angers), member of UNIPAIX, Jean Monnet Center of Excellence

Moderation :

Michel Catala, historian at Nantes University, head of UNIPAIX

Michel Catala



Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Nantes - Director of the Institute for European and Global Studies.

The director of the Institute for European and Global Studies since its creation in 2015, Michel Catala launched the RFI Alliance Europa programme in 2013, with Arnauld Leclerc. A university professor since 2004, he directed the CRHIA, a history laboratory bringing together 50 teacher-researchers and 89 doctoral students in Nantes and La Rochelle. He has a long practice of directing research structures and collective research programmes on the history of Europe on a regional (DCIE) and national (Labex EHNE) scale. A specialist in the history of international relations in Europe and the history of European construction, he has been teaching these subjects for 15 years. He is the author of numerous publications on these issues, and has also launched many international partnerships. He is the founding president of the Maison de l’Europe in Nantes, and is particularly familiar with civil society and local authority actors working on European issues in Nantes and the Loire region.

More information

Albrecht Sonntag



Albrecht Sonntag is a member of Alliance Europa. He is Professor of European Studies at the EU-Asia Institute of ESSCA Ecole de Management (Angers).

Albrecht Sonntag is at the origin of the Alliance Europa Multiblog and has led a workshop on “Blogging: Why and How?” for doctoral students.

He was also one of the organizers of the Colloquium on the impact of Brexit on the Loire region, and of the study day on the contribution of sport to the integration of migrants and refugees in Europe.

Valérie Drezet-Humez

Valérie Drezet-Humez

Head of the European Commission Representation in France