Citizenship and democracy

Book – under Félicien Lemaire and Stéphanie-Couderc-Morandeau’s direction


The notions of citizenship and democracy contain a plurality of meanings and consequences. This work establishes a dialogue between several fields (philosophy, history, law, political science, economy, education sciences) on the outlines of this two concepts, both central in the organization of our societies. Beyond the simple observation of the representation’s crisis, it invites the researchers to question themselves on the desired or hoped-for outcomes of a renewal of democracy through a more active citizenship.

From historical experiences, several themes are discussed : the reality of the link between these two notions, the exact nature of the democratic model which is contemplated in the refundation of the link, and the envisaged methods for the renewal of citizens’ participation mechanisms  in democratic life.


Published : February 17, 2022

ISBN : 978-2-84934-540-5
Mare et Martin


Félicien Lemaire

Professor of public law - Director of the Jean Bodin Centre - University of Angers

As Professor of public law at the University of Angers, his teaching focuses on constitutional law, the law of fundamental freedoms, constitutional litigation and European constitutional justice. His research topics mainly concern constitutional law through issues regarding the sovereignty of the State, the indivisibility of the Republic, the self-determination of peoples and their identity and the law of fundamental freedoms, in particular discrimination and the principle of non-discrimination.

Félicien Lemaire was one of the coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 2, “Plural societies and identity building”, and co-leader of the research project “CITER – Europe and the borders of citizenship in Europe”.

He is currently co-leading the research network Citizenships and identifications in Europe (CITIDEN).

Stéphanie Morandeau

Human and Social Sciences Engineer - Law and Social Change (CNRS/UMR6297) - University of Nantes

A doctor of Philosophy and Engineer at the CNRS, her work focuses on 19th-century republican philosophy, its ideologies, its currents (positivism, anti-colonialism), and its relationship to European colonial policy. It also covers post-colonialism, identity issues and citizenship processes in Europe.

Stéphanie Morandeau was one of the coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 2, “Plural societies and identity building”, and co-leader of the research project “CITER – Europe and the borders of citizenship in Europe”.

She is currently coordinating the research network Citizenships and identifications in Europe (CITIDEN).