Gwénola Sébaux

Professor of German Civilization – 3L.AM (EA 4335) – Catholic University of the West

Gwénola Sebaux has a doctorate in Germanic studies and is Professor of German civilisation at the Catholic University of the West. She is a specialist in German migration history and policy.

She heads the LÉMIC research team (Littératures-Étrangéité-Mutations-Identités culturelles). She is a member of the Franco-German Committee of Historians.

Her research focuses on German minorities in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the former USSR, and on migration and post-migration policy in contemporary Germany. She has devoted a significant part of her work to the Aussiedler, and to the analysis of the political and socio-cultural roots of these exogenous German population movements in the 20th century. Her research also focuses on the rhetoric and practices of memory, and on identity phenomena in the post-colonial and post-migration context.

Gwénola Sebaux was one of the coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 2 “Plural societies and identity building”, and co-leader of the research project “CITER – Europe and the borders of citizenship”.

She is currently co-leading the research network Citizenships and identifications in Europe (CITIDEN).