* European and International Studies
Master – European and International Law*
- Basic Information
- Employment opportunities
- International Opportunities
- Information and admission
- Faculty and diploma's supervisor
Basic Information
Duration: 1 year (Master 1)
Many public or private structures are now looking for specialists in European and international law trained in legal techniques and methods relating to these rights. This first year of the Master's programme allows you to acquire a solid knowledge of European and international law and then to choose either a specialization in the second year of the programme or to orient yourself towards a career as a lawyer in business or administration.
Employment opportunities
In the European Studies major at the University of Nantes:
International Opportunities
- Mandatory Language Classes
- Possibility of Obtaining a Double Diploma (for students who have followed a course of study from the bachelor's degree onwards):
- Germany: Franco-German curriculum with the Johannes Gutenberg de Mayence University (program sponsored by the Franco-German University)
- United Kingdom: Franco-English curriculum with Cardiff Law School
Information and admission
Students who hold a Bachelor degree in Law have ipso jure access to the master (subject to availability).
Students with an equivalent diploma must go through a validation of skills procedure to enter the program.
Faculty and diploma's supervisor

Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Nantes
Located on the Tertre campus, the Faculty of Law and Political Science is one of the most important department of the University of Nantes.
The diversification of the courses offered, the regular collaborations between teachers and professionals, the originality and recognition of the research carried out there, the constant international opening and the skills of all the staff attract a growing number of students.
It is also present on the La Roche-sur-Yon site.
Lecturer in Public Law, researcher at the DCS laboratory of the University of Nantes
Main research themes: harmonisation of procedural right in Europe, legitimacy of community construction and federalist criticism, European asylum system, role of the European Union in managing a collaborative economy.
Araceli Turmo is developing the project “Construction of common citizenship and procedural law in the European area” supported by Alliance Europa.
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