MASTER in International and European Law
Basic information
Duration: 2 years
This master's degree aims to train specialists in international and European law by highlighting its diversity and evolution.
The first year allows students to acquire in-depth knowledge in the various branches of international law (international economic law, law of international organizations, human rights and international responsibility).
The second year encourages future lawyers to broaden their professional horizons by allowing them to choose between an internship with a predominantly international or European focus and a research thesis, and to enjoy international mobility.
Employment opportunities
- Higher education professions
- French, European and international civil service
- Legal services of ministries (defence, foreign affairs, economy)
- Legal and judicial careers (lawyer, magistrate, etc.)
- NGOs
- Large companies
International dimension
- International mobility (Erasmus, United States, Canada) possible in 1st or 2nd year.
- Language Courses
- Internship and dissertation
- Tutored projects in M2
Association RADIE (Réseau angevin de droit international et européen) (french content)
Information and admission
- Master 1 is accessible without selection to students holding a law degree. Admission may also result from a validation of studies or professional achievements or experience.
- Access to Master 2 is selective, based on academic record, for students who have validated a first year master's degree in public or private law, but also in political science, economics or management.
Faculty and diploma's supervisor

Professor of Public International Law at the Jean Bodin Centre, University of Angers
Bérangère Taxil is a specialist in international human rights law. A member of the International Institute of Human Rights, the French Society for International Law and the International Law Association, Bérangère Taxil has taught for about ten years in France and abroad on European and international issues. She has participated in several research projects on the issue of refugees. She is also an assistant judge at the National Court of Asylum.
– Cooperation with Alliance Europa:
Bérangère Taxil was coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Reaseach Axis 3, “Europe in the world”, she co-directs the ARRECO project on the reception of refugees in Europe and is currently supervising several doctoral theses on the subject.
A Professor of public law at the University of Angers, she is also co-director of the Master 2 in international and European law and organised the Charles Rousseau Moot Court competition in Angers in 2018.
Associate Professor of Public International Law at the Jean Bodin Centre, University of Angers
Her research focuses more specifically on the law of the sea, international litigation, targeted sanctions and the application of international law in the domestic legal order. She also works as a legal consultant.
– Within Alliance Europa:
Alina Miron is the initiator of the project: “The sea as last frontier? Towards an observatory of maritime litigation”, financed by the Attractiveness programme of Alliance Europa.
She is co-director of the Master 2 in International and European Law and takes part in education activities supported by Alliance Europa, such as the interdisciplinary module (coordination of sub-module 2: Europe, a land of exile and migration). In 2018, she organised in Angers the Concours Rousseau, the most important international mooting competition in the French-speaking world.

Faculty of Law, Economics and Management – University of Angers
Faculty of Law, Economics and Management – University of Angers
The Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of the University of Angers is a teaching and research unit of some 3000 students, that provides all the usual training courses in these disciplines.
In addition, it has developed its own specificities as concerns the content of the courses taught and the methods used.
The teaching of foreign languages forms an important part of the general bachelor, notably in order to prepare the students for the classes taught in English at Master’s level. Individual support (via a tutor, a “big brother”, a referent teacher, etc.) helps students to development their own projects. Professional licences have been created in partnership with the local economic actors (territorial public administration, clothing industry, SMEs and SMIs, notaries, etc.).
The vast majority of master’s degrees specialise in growing professional sectors: banking and finance, international human resources, international management, economic intelligence, corporate law, etc. These courses are backed by two legal, economic and management research laboratories with 88 lecturer-researchers and 90 doctoral students whose fundamental and applied research work is the subject of contracts.