Carole Billet, Senior Lecturer in European Union Law and researcher at the Law and Social Change Laboratory of the University of Nantes, is receiving support from the Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global Studies from 2016 to 2020 to develop this research project.
Legal studies on the European Union as an area of freedom, security and justice

Carole Billet studies different issues:
- The differentiated participation of Member States in the European Union's action on the international scene
Analysis of the development of differentiation in European Union law (and in particular the evolution of concessions granted to the United Kingdom) and its impact on the image of the European Union as an international player. Study of the use of opt-outs in the context of external agreements (e.g. for the accession of the European Union to international conventions) or unilateral instruments affecting the external action of the European Union (such as financial instruments), including study of the arrangements for coordinating action between the European Union, its third party partners with whom it cooperates, and Member States not participating in the instrument. Study of the impact of enhanced cooperation between some Member States on the development of the European Union's external action.
- Decentralised agencies of the European Union
The question of the role of EU agencies in the institutional landscape of the European Union is nothing new and now seems more relevant than ever, because of the growing increase in their competences. EU agencies are more and more important and recognised players on the international scene, which regularly raises problems of consistency with the action taken by the Union's institutions. An in-depth analysis of the place and role of agencies in the Union's action will be carried out, in particular to analyse the characteristics of the Union as a global player (Frontex in the context of the migration crisis, Europol in the context of cooperation with the United States on terrorism).
- EU action in the field of migration and asylum
Analysis of the European Union's external action in this field and study of the evolution of the legal instruments used for cooperation with its partners. Global analyses to take into account the different levels of action (national, European and international) in order to measure the relevance and coherence of the European Union's action.
- Cultural law in the European Union
Study of the links between culture and other policies and actions of the European Union, the external dimension of cooperation in the field of culture, and fundamental cultural rights.
Project leader

Lecturer in European Union Law at the Law and Social Change Laboratory - University of Nantes
Research themes :
– The differentiated participation of Member States in the European Union’s action on the international scene
– Decentralised agencies and the EU’s external action
– EU action in the field of migration and asylum
– Cultural law in the European Union
Responsibilities :
– Head of the “Justice, Trial, Procedure” Master’s degree (2nd year) (Pre-ENM) in Nantes
– Co-head of European Union Law Master’s degree (2nd year)
– Member of the Education and University Life Commission
Carole Billet is developing the research project “Legal studies on the European Union as an area of freedom, security and justice”, with the support of Alliance Europa.
She is also one of the leader of the project “The reception and resettlement of refugees in Europe: categorisation and operationalisation (ARRECO)”.

Droit et changement social, UMR 6297 CNRS (University of Nantes)
Droit et changement social, UMR 6297 CNRS (University of Nantes)
DCS (Law and Social Change) is a joint research unit between CNRS and the University of Nantes, with a legal focus and whose aim is to develop interdisciplinary relations. The common basis of the laboratory lies in its overall objective: to understand the role of law in the transformations of contemporary society. DCS emphasizes the observation of practices and approaches for evaluating the effectiveness of legal norms.
Nantes University
Nantes University
Nantes University offers courses from bachelor’s to master’s degrees and excellence research projects concerning Europe in a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
It is home to the Institute for European and Global Studies, which implements the Alliance Europa programme.