B.A in European Studies
- Basic information
- Professionalization and employment outcome
- International dimension
- Information and Admission
Presentation (FR content)
Basic information
The European Studies course is accessible from the German LLCER degree, the English/German LEA International Business degree or the history degree from the University of Le Mans. It allows students in these programmes to acquire an in-depth knowledge of European institutions and culture (history, literature, politics, intercultural communication), specialized skills in European law, and an advanced linguistic command of German.
From the first year, students of the Bachelor's degree in History join German and LEA students to follow certain courses allowing them to strengthen their language skills. The actual course begins in the second year of the bachelor's degree. While retaining courses from their specific backgrounds, students of German, LEA and History share a common core of courses that allow them to deepen their knowledge of Europe. The students selected by the University of Paderborn as part of the Europäische Studien at the beginning of their Bachelor's degree will also join the group for the whole year of L2 in Le Mans.
In the third year, the students of European Studies in Le Mans and Europäische Studien in Paderborn are gathered at the University of Paderborn, where they validate the third year of their Bachelor's degree.
They are finally awarded a degree in History, LLCER or LEA from the University of Le Mans and a Europäische Studien BA from the University of Paderborn, as well as a certificate of excellence from the Franco-German University, which supports the curriculum.
This diploma, together with the skills and experience acquired, allows students to continue their studies in France, Germany or another German-speaking country.
Professionalization and employment outcome
The Bachelor’s degree in European Studies prepares students either for entering the job market or going on with their studies. The learning of very different working methods in the French and German university systems allows them to acquire flexibility and agility of mind. The training in autonomous work as part of the tutored project in L2, followed by the Bachelor's thesis in L3, gives them an understanding of the process of mastering a subject as well as greater ease in written and oral presentation in the partner language. The University of Le Mans' courses in active pedagogy integrating digital tools also allow them to learn how to make group work profitable. Finally, the compulsory internship (at least six weeks) allows them to acquire a first professional experience, most often in a German-speaking country. The language proficiency and intercultural skills thus acquired guarantees free mobility in the Franco-German space in particular, and more generally in Europe.
Students who have obtained this bachelor's degree can then go on to a master's degree in education, but also in the fields of culture, translation, tourism, business and marketing, or parliamentary assistantship. They also have the general culture necessary for a good preparation for administrative competitions or to pursue Masters in European or intercultural studies in France or Germany (and in particular the integrated Masters courses financed by the UFA).
International dimension
The third year of the Bachelor's degree programme takes place in Germany, at the University of Paderborn.
The students’ stay abroad is financed on the one hand by Erasmus scholarships, and on the other hand by a mobility scholarship granted by the Franco-German University to each student selected for the course, to the amount of 300 EUR per month spent studying in the partner country. If the internship is carried out in a German-speaking country, it is also supported by a grant.
Information and Admission
Access to a license is possible for holders of a baccalaureate, a diploma of access to university studies, a French or foreign diploma admitted in dispensation or equivalence of the baccalaureate, in application of national regulations or a validation of studies, acquired knowledge or professional experience.
Faculty and Person in Charge

University Professor, Head of the Franco-German Degree in European Studies, Researcher in Germanic Studies at the 3L.AM laboratory at the University of Le Mans.
– Head of the Franco-German Bachelor’s degree in European Studies, German Department
– University Professor
– Research topics
- Literature and history of ideas from the Aufklärung to Romanticism
- Franco-German cultural and scientific transfers
- Constitution and transmission of texts; the archive
- Intellectual networks and scientific communication
Anne Baillot is developing the research project “European Circulations, from archive to network: national identities and Franco-German heritage, from the Aufklärung to the digital age”.
More information (French content)

Faculty of Arts, Languages and Human Sciences – University of Le Mans
The Faculty of Arts, Languages and Humanities is one of the six components of the University of Maine, including the IUT (University Institute of Technology).
It offers numerous courses from the Bachelor’s to the Master’s level in the following two areas: Arts, Humanities, Languages, and Human and Social Sciences. It is mainly characterized by its human dimension, with nearly 2500 students enrolled in the three university cycles, and by the quality of its training offer.