The European Idea Factory is meant for everyone: citizens, associations, entrepreneurs, academics… From the Loire region to Europe and the world, all ideas are welcome in our workshops to emerge and become concrete in the form of projects.
The tools of the factory
The Factory offers a range of tools which can adapt to various ideas, projects and situations:
- A personalized accompaniment and a privileged contact to support the maturation and the setting up of projects, irrespective of their degree of advancement.
- Support for the organization of events: collective activities (workshops, exhibitions, conferences...) imagined with the academic and non-academic actors of the Loire region to meet and work together.
Forthcoming events
Feedback on the Factory’s workshops and events
The Factory’s workshops aim to improve the mutual knowledge of the Loire actors involved on European issues. Bringing together academic and non-academic actors is one of our main concerns.
To meet this challenge, the European Idea Factory proposes workshops for inter-knowledge. They allow for meetings and exchanges between actors from the Loire region, from research, education, civil society and the socio-economic world, who are mobilized on current and future European issues and who share common interests.
These workshops are conceived as real working groups where everyone is invited to participate actively in the exchanges. By taking a step back from their experience, each one contributes to the emergence of new ideas for collaborations and projects related to the identified theme, by federating different approaches (scientific, pedagogical, artistic, cultural and entrepreneurial).
Research in the humanities and social sciences is strengthened by applying it in creative and innovative ways, and sharing it with a large and varied audience.
To accompany you

Education and Innovation Development Project Manager
Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global Studies
USR 3491 Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Ange Guépin
tel : 02 53 00 93 88
MSH (Office: 509)
5 allée Jacques-Berque
PO BOX 12105
Please contact her :
– to obtain information on the education courses of the institute for European and Global Studies
– to request support related to the internationalization, professionalization and interdisciplinarity of the Institute for European and Global Studies’ education programmes.
– to propose a project, an action, to mature an idea
– to obtain information on the European Idea Factory