The “Telos, Ethos, Nomos” Jean Monnet Chair project (TEN-Europa 2017-2022*) aims to strengthen the teaching of European studies within the Institute for European and Global Studies, which has been run by the University of Nantes since 2015, and to increase the visibility and impact of studies on Europe in the extra-academic field.
*This project has been extended for two years due to the health crisis.
The Chair has three objectives:
– To increase the part devoted to European studies as part of the emerging interdisciplinary course “European and international studies” at the University of Nantes;
– To promote an analytical and reflective approach to the meaning of the European project and its issues by initiating and training to research, while strongly involving students;
– To disseminate this research and teaching to a wide public, particularly from civil society, and to co-construct public events with socio-economic actors.
Telos, Ethos, Nomos :
– The Telos of Europe is the goal, purpose, meaning, raison d’être, motive of the European political project.
– The Nomos of Europe refers to the basic legal structure of the Union, to its organizing principle.
– The Ethos, i.e., the values and attitudes characteristic of the philosophy of transnational relations.
The Chair’s page on the European Commission’s page
See the students’ blog : Europe at stake ! (French content)
Seminar programme 2019-2020 (French content)
Chair Holder
Professor of political science at the University of Nantes and director of the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange-Guépin from 2015 to 2020. Holder of the “Telos, Ethos, Nomos Europa” Jean Monnet Chair. Coordinator of Alliance Europa's Axis 1 "Governing Europe in a globalised world".
A member of the Law and Social Change Laboratory (CNRS/University Joint Research Unit n°6297), Arnauld Leclerc is a specialist in political theory applied to Europe. He directs the Master 2 in Political Science of Europe and created in 2011 an original selective bachelor’s degree dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of Europe. All the classes he teaches relate to European studies, contributing to the vitality of this field and to the debates on European issues through his regular participation in public debates and the organisation of numerous scientific and extra-academic events. He is the president of Euradio, a radio school specialising in European issues, welcoming students from all over Europe every year and broadcasting in several languages.
He is the coordinator of the Chair of European Philosophy project held by philosopher Jean-Marc Ferry, and the author of several collective works including Les intellectuels et le pouvoir. Déclinaisons et mutations (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012), Conclusion : La citoyenneté européenne en temps de crise and L’Europe : crise et critique (Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2016, 2017) and Du mot au concept. La démocratie comme intellectualisation de la dispute sociale (2017), L’Europe face au défi des religions: construire un espace public par-delà la sécularisation (2017). His research themes are the the philosophy of Europe, the theory of democracy and the philosophy of the university.
See the page of the “Télos Ethos Nomos Europa” Chair.
Jean-Marc Ferry
Philosopher, University Professor
Jean-Marc Ferry has held the Chair of Philosophy of Europe at the University of Nantes at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Nantes since its foundation in 2011. He is Honorary Professor of Political Science and Moral Philosophy at the Université libre de Bruxelles, Doctor honoris causa of the University of Lausanne (2000) and of the Université Saint-Louis de Bruxelles (2017), and a former scholarship holder of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Bonn). He is a member, among others, of the Jean Monnet Foundation, the Spinelli Group for Europe, and the European Observatory of University Policies. Jean-Marc Ferry is Commander of the Order of Leopold and Grand Officer of the Order of Leopold II (Belgium), Gold Medal of the Academy of Agriculture of Paris. In 1995, the French Academy awarded him the Prix La Bruyère for the body of his work. His work has been awarded twice by the Institut de France: La Bruyère Prize of the French Academy, in Philosophy, Morality, Sociology, “for the body of his work” (1995); Louis Marin Prize of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, for his book The Question of the European State (2001).
To date, he has published some thirty books, some two hundred and fifty journal articles, chapters in collective works, interviews and expert reports, many of which deal with European issues.
He directs the Humanities collection at Éditions du Cerf (Paris) and the collection La Pensée élargie at Éditions Le Bord de l’Eau. He co-directs with Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners the Philosophy and Society collection at the Éditions de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles and, with Alain Renaut, the Applied Philosophy collection at the Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne. His latest work is entitled La Raison et la foi. Une philosophie de la religion. Among his most important works are Les Puissances de l’expérience (1991), Philosophie de la communication (1994), L’Ethique reconstructive (1996), La Question de l’Etat européen (2000), De la Civilisation (2001), Valeurs et normes (2002), La Question de l’Histoire (2002), Les Grammaires de l’intelligence (2004), Europe, la voie kantienne (2005), La Religion réflexive (2010), La République crépusculaire (2010), La Raison et la foi (2016).
He is also a promoter of the concept of Universal Allowance.
Read Jean-Marc Ferry’s resume
Tristan Storme
Lecturer in political science at the University of Nantes. Member of the Centre for Political Theory, Université libre de Bruxelles.
Tristan Storme studied at the ULB in Brussels. He is a specialist in political theory applied to Europe. His work focuses in particular on the articulation of the political and the religious in Europe, on the reuse of concepts from Carl Schmitt by many intellectuals in the debate on Europe. He is the author of Carl Schmitt et le marcionisme. L’impossibilité théologico-politique d’un œcuménisme judéo-chrétien, published by Éditions du Cerf in 2008 and L’actualité du Tractatus de Spinoza et la question théologico-politique, co-directed with Quentin Landenne in 2014.
See his publications (FR content)
Daniela Heimpel
PhD student in political science at the University of Nantes and the University of Montreal, Canada.
At the Law and Social Change Laboratory of the Doctoral School of Law, Economics-Management, Societies, Territories, Daniela Heimpel is preparing a thesis entitled “Teaching Europe? Challenges, potential and limits of an education for European citizenship” under the co-supervision of Arnauld Leclerc and Jean-Marc Ferry for the University of Nantes and Magdalena Dembinska for the University of Montreal (scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Germany).
Since 2015, Daniela Heimpel has been part of the team of the Chair of European Philosophy, where she was an assistant before becoming an associate for her research on European citizenship and the functioning of the European public space. Since September 2017, she is a visiting student at the European University Institute, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Italy, under the supervision of Professor Rainer Bauböck.
Manon Damestoy
PhD student in political science at the University of Nantes and the University of Saint-Louis de Bruxelles
At the Law and Social Change laboratory of the Doctoral School of Law and Political Science, Manon Damestoy is preparing a thesis on “European democracy in question: the case of free trade agreements” under the supervision of Arnauld Leclerc (DCS, University of Nantes) and Florence Delmotte (Institute of European Studies, University of Saint-Louis-Brussels). Manon also participates in the management of Arnauld Leclerc’s TEN Chair and in the digitization of Jean-Marc Ferry’s work.
- Development of pedagogical innovations that are currently in the experimentation phase in teaching, such as the principle of a "reverse class";
- Development of original modalities of teaching evaluation;
- Establishment of an annual thematic seminar based on external lecturers (senior and junior researchers) invited as an extension of the system set up by the Chair of Philosophy of Europe;
- Public conferences with academic and non-academic actors on European issues allow to anchor the knowledge acquired in the courses in the current debate, and to increase the visibility of European studies. These public debates will be co-organised with civil society.
The research carried out as part of this programme is published by the Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne in its "Philosophie appliquée" collection. Additional works are published by Éditions du bord de l'Eau.
- J-M. Ferry, A. Leclerc (dir.), Europe : Crise et critique, Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne, 2015.
- J-M. Ferry, A. Leclerc, T. Storme (dir.), Les religions en débat dans les sociétés européennes sécularisées, Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne, to be published in 2021.
- The proceedings of the "Public / Private: Towards a new sharing in Europe" colloquium will be published in 2021.
This project is part of the Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global studies, a structured, interdisciplinary research network of excellence in SHS, specifically positioned to study the societal, cultural and political challenges faced by a Europe in crisis in the face of globalization, a federation of European and international studies courses from undergraduate to doctoral level, and a "European Idea Factory" as an incubator for projects from civil society. The project leader is the co-responsible of this Alliance Europa programme with Michel Catala, Director of the Institute.
Jean Monnet Programme
Jean Monnet Programme
Created in 1989, the Jean Monnet Programme aims to stimulate excellence in teaching and research on the European Union, all over the world.

The programme was integrated into the Erasmus + programme in 2014, and supports several types of actions: Jean Monnet chairs, centres of excellence or teaching modules, but also multilateral projects and research groups.
A Jean Monnet Chair is awarded for a period of 3 years to a university professor specialising in European Union studies, who receives a maximum support of €50,000 from the European Commission for the implementation of his or her teaching and research activities.
For more information on the Jean Monnet programme, its objectives and the activities it finances, please visit the website of the Erasmus+ France Education and Training Agency and the EACEA website.