This project was selected as part of the Research Call for projects of the Alliance Europa Institute for European and Global Studies and is supported for 5 years (from October 2016 to January 2022).
An Analysis of Innovative Mediations in Culture and the Arts for an Open Europe (AMICAE°)

AMICAE° is a collaborative and interdisciplinary research project on the impact of cultural mediations on European cohesion. It brings together researchers in Human and Social Sciences, educators, actors from the artistic and socio-cultural world, French and foreign institutions.
Its aim is to compare different forms of innovative mediations in culture and the arts, for tangible and intangible heritage, and to evaluate their effects in terms of heritage transmission, social integration and citizen participation.
Politically, the European Union was built as an agreement between nation states, but with an identity deficit. A better understanding of cultural facts, through studies focusing on specific types of cultural mediation, would lead to a better apprehension of what can help or hinder the construction of a cultural and political European identity. AMICAE° proposes a collaborative work programme combining interdisciplinary theoretical analyses and practical, creative and experimental approaches in the field, based on a significant and representative volume of European cultural mediations in the fields of art, print, tangible and intangible heritage and language.
The research focuses on:
- identifying concepts, transversal and transcultural tools that can foster a sense of collective identity among their recipients, in various situations of transmission, fixation or hybridisation of European cultural uses and objects;
- comparing the foundations and effects of different forms of innovative mediation, past and present;
- highlighting specific new methods of promoting the integration of minority, marginal or vulnerable groups and suggesting recommendations for future educational, socio-cultural or public practices
The actions are organised in four workpackages:
WP1 : Printed mediation
WP2: Heritage and memory, mainly in schools (reception facilities)
WP3: Art transmission and artistic production
WP4: Intra and extra-European mediation / universal cultural identity and citizenship.
Disciplines: Literature; English Studies; German Studies; Language Didactics; Sociolinguistics; Sociology; Educational Sciences; Philosophy; Anthropology; History; Archaeology; Management Sciences; Visual Arts; Information and Communication Sciences.
Project leader

Professor of Literature- 3LAM - Le Mans Université
A Professor of literature at Le Mans Université, and a member of 3LAM, Brigitte Ouvry-Vial is also a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, and director of the Institut des Humanités Numériques du Mans. She supervises the work of young researchers on printed and digital written culture.
Brigitte Ouvry-Vial leads the ANR 2014-2017 “Reading in Europe 15th-21th century” European network ( (50 EC from 15 countries), is Management Committee Substitute of the E-READ COST Action (IS1404). A member of the SHARP-L Translation Committee (John Hopkins U., USA), she is also the North American geographical referent for International Relations at the University of Maine. She has created several research groups (2004-2008, G.E.S.T. U. Paris7, 2008-2011) “Woman publishers and book workers”, Dict. Encyclopédique des Femmes Créatrices, (2012-2014), PLLI (2011-2014, Pratiques du livre, de l’imprimé, de la Lecture CPER 10 en Région PLLI), she also carries out various international activities (Visiting Professor at Drew University, N.J., Investigadores Residentes Casa de Velasquez Madrid, Guest seminar in Asia, Europe, Erasmus agreements …).
Brigitte Ouvry-Vial was the coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 4, “European cultures, appropriations, transmissions, representations”. She is currently leading the research project “AMICAE°– An Analysis of Innovative Mediations in Culture and the Arts for an Open Europe”and the european project Read-it, and also the network.
3L.AM – EA 4335 (UM, UA)
3L.AM – EA 4335 (UM, UA)
The Languages, Literature, Linguistics laboratory of the Universities of Angers and Le Mans (3L.AM Lab), Welcoming Team No 4335, is a Research Unit present on two sites, noted A by the Agence d’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (2011 evaluation campaign). It brings together 60 teacher-researchers (40 in Le Mans and 20 in Angers) and welcomes 40 PhD students.
Le Mans Université
Le Mans Université
The University of Le Mans contributes to the research lines of the Institute for European and Global studies and to the education offer on European culture(s). partners

Professor at the Institute of Economics and Management of Nantes, at LEMNA (Laboratoire d’Economie et de Management de Nantes-Atlantique) - University of Nantes
Research themes: Research studies and methods, Digital marketing (Search Marketing, Mobile marketing, Privacy, Avatars, Augmented Reality), Organization of companies in networks (Franchise), Market orientation
Claire Gauzente was coordinator of Alliance Europa’s Research Axis 4, “European Cultures, Appropriations, Transmissions, Representations” and is a member of the AMICAE° programme.

LEMNA – EA 4272 (UN)
LEMNA – EA 4272 (UN)
The Nantes Atlantic Economics and Management Laboratory brings together all the researchers in economics and management from the University of Nantes, the ITM Atlantique (formerly Mines Nantes) and the École Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l’Alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (ONIRIS).
Lecturer – CREN Laboratory – Le Mans University
Isabelle Audras is co-leader of workpackage 2 (“Schools, multilingualism, migration”) of the AMICAE° project.

The Nantes Centre for Educational Research (CREN EA2661) is the educational research laboratory of the University of Nantes. It is based on different components: the UFR Lettres et Langues, the ESPE des Pays de la Loire and the Faculty of Psychology. It also includes researchers from the University of Maine. Being approved as a welcoming team by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in 1995, it was awarded the A label by the Research Evaluation Agency.

CReAAH – UMR 6566 CNRS, (UM)
CReAAH – UMR 6566 CNRS, (UM)
The Joint Research Unit 6566 CReAAH "Research Centre for Archaeology, Archaeoscience, and History" is largely interdisciplinary, at the crossroads of Human and Social Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Physical and Chemical Sciences.
Under the supervision of the CNRS, the Universities of Rennes 1, Rennes 2, Nantes and Le Mans and the Ministry of Culture, with INRAP as a partner institution, CReAAH is characterised by its structuring and unifying position in the North-West of France, bringing together archaeologists, historians, archaeometers and palaeoenvironmentalists.
TEMOS – CNRS FRE 2015, Universities of Angers, South Brittany, Le Mans
TEMOS – CNRS FRE 2015, Universities of Angers, South Brittany, Le Mans
TEMOS (Times, Worlds, Societies) brings together teacher-researchers and research support staff from the universities of Angers, Southern Brittany, Le Mans and the CNRS.
TEMOS is a two-year research training programme (FRE 2015), with sixty full members and as many doctoral students working on the four periods of history, from antiquity to the very present day (sections 32 and 33 of the CoNRS). Their research focuses on various human organisations and geographical areas conducive to international cooperation; their subjects are multi-disciplinary, resulting in numerous collaborations with other disciplines: literature, law, political science, geography, life sciences, medicine, environment.
CRINI (Centre for Research on National Identities and Interculturality – EA 1162 (UN))
CRINI (Centre for Research on National Identities and Interculturality – EA 1162 (UN))
The Centre for Research on National Identities and Interculturality brings together the research in civilization, linguistics and literature, carried out in several cultural areas, by the teacher-researchers of the different departments of the UFR. The CRINI has set itself the goal, through numerous publications and conferences, of elucidating national cultural specificities/identities and their interferences/interactions. It benefits from the contribution of a large network of foreign researchers regularly associated with its activities.
Nantes University
Nantes University
Nantes University offers courses from bachelor’s to master’s degrees and excellence research projects concerning Europe in a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
It is home to the Institute for European and Global Studies, which implements the Alliance Europa programme.
https://www.univ-nantes.frProject partners
Other academic partners :
University Lyon 2 (ECP), Aalborg University, Denmark, National School of Architecture, Tétouan, U. Hassan II Mohammedia, Casablanca ("Education, languages and cultures"), University of Basel, U. Széchenyi István Apáczai Csere János, Degli Studii University Milan, Universidade de Aveiro, Universität Hamburg, Aristotle University, University of Warsaw, Centre for Fine Print Research West England, Universität Wien, Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Brussels)
Other partners :
AFALAC, Angers Nantes Opéra, Escales Littéraires Bordeaux, Association " Deux Rives " (R2R), CAPRA Prospection Recherches Archéo, Centre d'animation Saint-Pierre, Bordeaux, Centre de l'Illustration, médiathèque A. Malraux, Strasbourg, Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, Collectif éditorial du Cralej (Nous voulons lire), CSES-SEES (visually impaired from 6 to 20 years old), Editions associative Les Doigts qui rêvent, European Network on Cultural Management and Policy, Ville de Nantes (Fabrique de Chantenay), Direction générale de la culture, Ministère de la culture francophone (Belgium), Ville du Mans, Direction du service Tourisme et Patrimoine

PhD student in Languages and Cultures in the framework of the AMICAE° project
In the framework of Alliance Europa’s AMICAE° project, Chloé Aubry is preparing a thesis on “Artist’s books in Europe today, the mediators of a new common sensibility”. Under the supervision of Brigitte Ouvry-Vial (Le Mans Université) and Claire Gauzente (University of Nantes), she works at the Doctoral School Societies, Cultures, Exchanges of Nantes for the 3LAM laboratory.