Master – Management and International Trade
Basic information
Duration: 2 years
This Master's degree aims to train senior executives with a transversal understanding and approach to international business and operations, capable of making any management decision in its strategic or functional dimension, in international (or potentially international) organizations. The first year of the Master's programme is common to all students, with the European and International Business Management (MAEI) programme.
The Master 2 then allows students to specialize in the following areas:
- Financial Management and International Control (MFCI)
- International Management and Marketing (MIM),
- International Management of Human Resources (MIRH)
As part of the MAEI Master 1, a specific 4-week programme during the second semester is organized in collaboration with ASU (Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina USA). Five ASU professors come to provide five modules of courses to the students of Angers, about ten ASU students who accompany them and exchange students.
Employment opportunities
- MFCI specialisation: Management controller, International financial controller, Internal auditor, Financial communication manager, Credit manager, Risk manager, etc.
- MIM specialisation : Export Area Manager, Product Manager, International Buyer, Marketing Coordinator, Sales Lead Qualifier, Operations Manager, etc.
- MIRH specialisation: International mobility officer, HR consultant, Compensation & benefits specialist, Business Developer, HR Business Partner, etc.
International dimension
Numerous courses in English from the first year of the Master's programme:
Courses taught by lecturers from the University of Angers or several partner universities and professionals
The MAEI M1 is 50% in English
In M2: MFCI speciality almost 100% in English / MIRH and MIM specialities between 60 and 75% in English.
International Week in October
International partnerships:
- 7 double degrees
- including 1 with the University of Haaga Helia in Finland for the MAEI Master 1
- including 3 with the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Nicolas Copernicus University of Torun in Poland for the MFCI, MIM and MIRH courses.
- including 3 with the Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics ( for the MFCI, MIM and MIRH courses.
Erasmus+ partnerships: Belgium, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Romania and Macedonia.
Bilateral agreements: Argentina, Brazil, China, India, South Korea and Russia.
ISEP Exchange and ISEP Multilateral
BCI Programme with Quebec
2- to 4-month internship in Master 1
Mandatory professional internship of 5 to 6 months in an organization of international dimension or with international activities (Master 2)
Information and registration
The MAEI Master 1 in Management and International Trade is available:
- as of right for students holding a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management, International Management course of the AU.
- based on academic record + interview for holders of a degree in Economics and/or Management or Applied Foreign Languages.
- Holders of another national diploma conferring the degree of Bachelor and foreign students may also apply under the same conditions but must first submit a file requesting validation of studies.
The Master 2 courses (MFCI, MIM and MIRH) of the Management and International Trade specialization are accessible:
- as of right for students who have validated the 1st year of the MAEI Master's degree.
- based on academic record + interview for full students who have validated a first year Master's degree at the University of Angers, another university or have obtained a French or foreign degree of equivalent level.
Faculty and diploma's supervisor

Faculty of Law, Economics and Management – University of Angers
Faculty of Law, Economics and Management – University of Angers
The Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of the University of Angers is a teaching and research unit of some 3000 students, that provides all the usual training courses in these disciplines.
In addition, it has developed its own specificities as concerns the content of the courses taught and the methods used.
The teaching of foreign languages forms an important part of the general bachelor, notably in order to prepare the students for the classes taught in English at Master’s level. Individual support (via a tutor, a “big brother”, a referent teacher, etc.) helps students to development their own projects. Professional licences have been created in partnership with the local economic actors (territorial public administration, clothing industry, SMEs and SMIs, notaries, etc.).
The vast majority of master’s degrees specialise in growing professional sectors: banking and finance, international human resources, international management, economic intelligence, corporate law, etc. These courses are backed by two legal, economic and management research laboratories with 88 lecturer-researchers and 90 doctoral students whose fundamental and applied research work is the subject of contracts.
Head of Master 2 Financial Management and International Control
– Professor of Management Sciences-Company Finance
– Vice-Dean in charge of International Relations of the Faculty of Law, Economics, Management
– Vice-Dean International Relations / Vice-Dean International Relations
– Head of Master 2 Financial Management and International Control
– Co-Coordinator of double degrees in management
– Co-Coordinator of the triple degree in International Finance (Italy-France-Poland)

Co-Head of the International Management and Marketing Master's Degree
– University Professor (specialized in Marketing)
– Co-Manager Master 2 International Management and Marketing

Co-Head of the Master in Management of European and International Affairs and Head of the Master 2 International Management and Human Resources.
– Director of the Management Department and Section 06
– Head of Master 2 International Human Resources Management
– Co-responsible for the Master 1 Management and International Trade
– Co-responsible for the Economy-Management Licensecareer path

Co-Head of the Master 2 International Management and Marketing
– Associate lecturer in digital marketing
– Co-Head of the Master 2 International Management and Marketing
– Audience analysis trainer (Piwik, Google Analytics, TMS)

Co-Head of the International Management and Marketing Master's Degree
– University Professor (specialized in Marketing)
– Co-Manager Master 2 International Management and Marketing