Master Economic Intelligence and Competitive Strategies in the Global Market (EICSGM)



Basic Information

This master's degree offered by the University of Angers allows you to acquire a two-year training in strategic intelligence and economic intelligence in close collaboration with professional circles, local authorities, or research centres.

The first year of the Master's programme offers training common to three fields (CDETC, IEEPP, IESCI) with general courses in economic analysis, English, economic epistemology and methodology in social and solidarity economy or applied marketing, digital economy, but also specialization modules in economic intelligence, strategic intelligence, etc...

The second year offers specific training in economic intelligence, with an internship or research paper at the end of the year.

Employment opportunities

This master allows access to the following professions and careers: intelligence analyst, data-analyst, e-reputation analyst, digital strategy consultant, due diligence/compliance consultant, strategic studies manager in companies, banks, local authorities, forecasting organizations and design offices, strategic intelligence and strategic development manager, economic intelligence consultant, teaching and research professions (agrégation, PhD...).

International dimension

  • Students can enjoy international mobility thanks to partnerships with universities in Europe (Erasmus) but also outside Europe
  • Numerous courses taught in English from the first year onwards


  • 8-week internship in a company in Master 1
  • 4- to 6-month internship in Master 2 or research thesis
  • Module on work and mobility, in order to prepare for professional insertion

Information and admission

Conditions of access to the first year of the Master's programme: a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management or another equivalent degree from other SHS, double degree in economics and law.

More information

Faculty and diploma's supervisor

Faculty of Law, Economics and Management – University of Angers

The Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of the University of Angers is a teaching and research unit of some 3000 students, that provides all the usual training courses in these disciplines.

In addition, it has developed its own specificities as concerns the content of the courses taught and the methods used.

The teaching of foreign languages forms an important part of the general bachelor, notably in order to prepare the students for the classes taught in English at Master’s level. Individual support (via a tutor, a “big brother”, a referent teacher, etc.) helps students to development their own projects. Professional licences have been created in partnership with the local economic actors (territorial public administration, clothing industry, SMEs and SMIs, notaries, etc.).

The vast majority of master’s degrees specialise in growing professional sectors: banking and finance, international human resources, international management, economic intelligence, corporate law, etc. These courses are backed by two legal, economic and management research laboratories with 88 lecturer-researchers and 90 doctoral students whose fundamental and applied research work is the subject of contracts.


Head of the IESCI Master Doctor of Economics and Associate Professor

Head of the Master 2 in Economic Intelligence and International Competitive Strategies

Research themes:

– International economy: specialization, competitiveness, country risk, globalization paradox, equilibrium exchange rate, FDI, balance of payments

– Knowledge economy: information cycle, economic intelligence, learning, “learning by sharing”, “cooperation”, networks, clusters, competitiveness clusters, etc.