Master – Cultural Mediation and International Communication
Basic Information
Duration: 2 years
This course is part of the Civilizations, Cultures and Societies (CCS) domain. It is co-organized by the Ecole des Beaux-arts de Nantes, in partnership with Centrale Nantes, the Master in Scientific and Technical Culture and the University Theatre.
The aim is to combine knowledge in human and social sciences with a knowledge of new technologies to meet the demands of territorial, national and international economic actors.
The students follow courses in management and editing of cultural projects, digital creation with a more specific application to the cultural area of their choice and acquire transversal skills, thanks to the interdisciplinary dimension of this training.
Employment Opportunities
Management of cultural affairs and international relations in local and territorial authorities, cultural institutions and foundations, cultural or communication companies.
- Mandatory internship in M1 and M2
- Tutored projects
International dimension
- The 1st semester of the degree must take place in a foreign university
- For the Italian area, the French-Italian binational diploma "Mediation, Communication and Cultural Promotion Abroad (MECPROCE)" is based on the MCCI programme in partnership with the Università per Stranieri di Perugia.
Information and admission
To join the CCS Master's programme, students must have obtained a bachelor's degree.
Faculty and diploma's supervisor

Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures – University of Nantes
The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures has been an integral part of the Humanities and Social Sciences campus in Nantes since 1996. This component, one of the most important of the University (3000 students on average each year), is a rich and diverse community, as illustrated by its twofold structure (Foreign Languages, Literature and Cultures/Applied Foreign Languages) and its seven departments (Arabic, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Slavic and Oriental languages – Russian, Chinese, Japanese).
The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures has an international dimension (through numerous collaborations with foreign universities) and is open to the cultural life of the city (music festivals, theatre, video, cinema, exhibitions, etc.).
In charge of the Master CCS – Cultural Mediation and International Communication
– Lecturer at the University of Nantes, Italian department, since 2005
– Responsible for the MCCI course
– Head of the interdisciplinary Master “Mediation, expertise, cultural promotion” (UFR Languages, History of Art, Sociology),
– Head of the Master in International Business M2 (Italian), since 2011