Master – Analysis of Cultural Practices
Basic Information
Duration: 2 years
The "Analysis of Cultural Practices: Stage and Media Cultures in Transnational Space" Master is an integrated Franco-German course at the Franco-German University (UFA).
This trinational course starts in Düsseldorf, continues in Vienna, then in Nantes and ends with a compulsory 4/6 month internship.
- At the University of Düsseldorf, the relationship between sensory experience and language, the cultural and media influence on affects, the transculturality intrinsic to any cultural process are at the heart of the curriculum.
- In Vienna, students focus on questions of subjectivity, their cultural alterations and idiosyncrasies as well as transnational processes in the performing arts.
- Nantes places the techniques and epistemology of translation, cultural transfer and the sociology of culture (film / theater / performance) at the centre of its offer.
From the first to the third semester, the participants of the course form a "cohort" of 5 to 10 students from each partner university. In the fourth semester, the course participants write their research thesis, preferably at their home university. Every two years, they organize a study day (location of their choice) and participate in a research workshop organized by one of the partner institutions.
Employment Opportunities
Franco-German experts in cultural institutions (theatre, film, communication and marketing)
The curriculum offers internship opportunities (4 to 6 months) to allow a direct link with different intercultural concepts and processes.
International dimension
- Diploma supported by the Franco-German University (UFA)
- 2 semesters abroad: University of Düsseldorf and University of Vienna
Information and admission
In Master 1: access is based on academic record + interview.
The APC programme is intended for students who have successfully completed their Bachelor's degree (or foreign equivalent):
- LLCEr degree
- Bachelor's Degree in Letters and Languages
- Degree in Sociology
Given the intercultural nature of this training, access depends on a verification of the candidates' language skills (French and German). For other candidates (VAE, continuing education), access is subject to the pedagogical commission.
- Brochure-Master APC-1 (Brochure-Master-APC-1.pdf)
Faculty and diploma's supervisor

Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures – University of Nantes
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures – University of Nantes
The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures has been an integral part of the Humanities and Social Sciences campus in Nantes since 1996. This component, one of the most important of the University (3000 students on average each year), is a rich and diverse community, as illustrated by its twofold structure (Foreign Languages, Literature and Cultures/Applied Foreign Languages) and its seven departments (Arabic, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Slavic and Oriental languages – Russian, Chinese, Japanese).
The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures has an international dimension (through numerous collaborations with foreign universities) and is open to the cultural life of the city (music festivals, theatre, video, cinema, exhibitions, etc.).
Elisabeth Kargl
Elisabeth Kargl
Lecturer in Germanic Studies. Responsible for the trinational APC Master’s degree, accredited by the UFA.
– Deputy Director of the Department of Germanic Studies;
– Head of the APC Trinational Master’s Degree, accredited by the UFA
– Head of the German MCCI Master’s programme
– Responsible for Erasmus exchanges with Graz and Düsseldorf (MCCI/APC)
– Professor-evaluator CIEP
Nicole Kandioler studied drama, Roman and Slavic languages at the University of Vienna and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. She wrote her thesis on post-communist film and television culture at the University of Vienna. Since 2004, she has been a teacher and researcher at the University of Rouen, the University of Amsterdam and the Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar, where as a junior professor of European media culture she coordinated two Franco-German programmes. In 2017 she worked at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität and since 2018 she has been an assistant professor (post-doc) at the Institute for Media, Theatre and Film Sciences (tfm | Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft) at the University of Vienna.

Maren Butte studied drama, art history and general and comparative literature at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz. Since 2016 she has been professor of drama / performance studies at the Institute for Media and Culture of the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf. Previously, she worked as a researcher at the Research Institute for Music Theatre at the University of Bayreuth, at the Special Research Unit “Aesthetic Experience under the Sign of Artistic Decompartmentalization” of the Freie Universität Berlin (“Ästhetische Erfahrung im Zeichen der Entgrenzung der Künste”) and at the Swiss Research Center “Bildkritik / eikones” (“Image Criticism / eikones”) of the University of Basel.
Since 2018, she has been coordinating, together with Elisabeth Kargl (University of Nantes) and Nicole Kandioler (University of Vienna), the trinational master’s programme “Analysis of Cultural Practices, Theatre and Media on a Transnational Scale” at the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf.