Research Network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy (REECAP)

Ce programme bénéficie d’un soutien de l’Institut d’études européennes et globales Alliance Europa pour une durée de deux ans (2020-2022), visant à développer un réseau international de chercheurs autour du projet.

Ce projet vise à construire un réseau européen capable de mettre en relation les chercheurs en sciences sociales avec les acteurs publics (tels que les décideurs aux niveaux européen, national et régional) ainsi qu'avec les organisations privées chargées de l'évaluation des politiques afin de promouvoir l'utilisation d'approches expérimentales pour l'évaluation de la politique agricole commune (PAC) . REECAP vise à développer davantage les outils expérimentaux et les connaissances pour guider le processus décisionnel de l'UE et améliorer les futures mesures de la PAC.

REECAP is a EU-wide consortium created in 2017. REECAP is open to those who wish to promote behavioural analysis and economic experimental designs for the ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of European agricultural policies.

Our Mission: To bring together researchers, evaluators and policy makers interested in the use of economic experimental approaches for more evidence-based policy design and evaluation.

Doing so, REECAP wishes to contribute to the improvement of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a backbone programme of the European construction. With an annual budget of 60 billion euros, representing more than a third of the European Union (EU) expenditures, the CAP deeply affects the European agricultural sector of the countries involved.

The network is composed of 55 members: 46 researchers, 9 members of institutions in charge of CAP design or evaluation either at the regional, national or European level.

The 46 researchers come from the field of economics, sociology, agricultural or environmental sciences. 19 countries are represented, including 3 non EU-countries (Australia, Japan and United-States).

Among the 9 partners presented as policy makers, designer or evaluators, 5 belong to regional administration in charge of the design and evaluation of agricultural policies in France and Spain, 1 belong to a national institution (French ministry of agriculture), 2 to the European Commission (Joint Research Center) and 1 is working as policy evaluator in a private consultancy.

You can visit REECAP website for further informations regarding this network.


Marianne Lefebvre

Marianne Lefebvre

Marianne Lefebvre est Maître de conférences en économie au sein du Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Economie et Management de l'Université d'Angers.

Ses recherches portent sur :

  • Economie de l’environement
  • Economie agricole
  • Economie expérimentale
  • Evaluation des Politiques Publiques



Groupe de recherche angevin en économie et management, UMR 49 (UA)

Le GRANEM (Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management) est une équipe de recherche pluridisciplinaire (économie et gestion) de l’Université d’Angers, rattachée à la Fédération CNRS n°3435 TEPP (Travail, Emploi et Politiques Publiques). Cette équipe d’accueil n° 7456 regroupe 51 enseignants-chercheurs, 48 doctorants, 1 post-doc et 3 BIATSS.

Université d’Angers

Université d’Angers

L’Université d’Angers offre un vaste catalogue de formations initiales et continues et œuvre pour proposer une recherche à la fois innovante et ouverte sur l’avenir. Les enseignants-chercheurs de l’Université d’Angers qui participent au CEJM UniPaix sont issus de la Faculté de droit, d’économie et de gestion.

Programme d'activités

REECAP 2021 events:      

We have split the program initially scheduled in Prague into 4 on-line events:

June 18 - Training on power analysis

July 19  - Keynote speech by Karen Macours (J-PAL Europe) and round table on Complementing experiments with other methods

July 20-23  -  Two organized sessions during EAAE on-line conference

September 10 - Workshop to present your experimental design before data collection

More info


The REECAP project, funded by Alliance Europa, is structured into 3 working groups: 1.METHOD: Bringing experiments into agricultural policy; 2. IMPACT: Bringing agricultural policy into the experimental field, 3. OUTREACH


The METHOD group organized training sessions, under the form of webinars, with the objective to help new researchers to the field to present their experimental protocols before starting to collect data. Those training sessions were called « Check before you collect » and were successful. There are still on-going 2 to 3 times a year.

An online forum was created, in order for researchers to exchange on their research and experimental protocols.

The buddy system that was envisaged for senior researchers to junior ones hasn’t been implemented yet, but the REECAP network allowed informal meetings between senior researchers and PhD students.

The REECAP network also promoted open science, including the replication of experiments in order to face the science credibility crisis. The network has worked on the replication of an experiment on farmers’ risk attitudes in 11 European countries, involving 24 researchers and collecting data from 1 400 farmers. The Alliance Europa grant allowed to compensate French farmers for their participation to the experiment, as well as creating dissemination videos. This research was published in 2023 in a special issue of Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

The IMPACT group organized 3 meetings for knowledge exchanges across evaluation communities, including the research and policy communities: 2 were webinars and the 2022 one was a in-person workshop in Sweden.

A compilation of resources (briefs, videos, articles) that can be useful for policy makers to understand the value-added of experimental approaches for agricultural policy design was collected and is available to REECAP board members. An article “Can Economic Experiments Contribute to a More Effective CAP?” has been published open-access in Eurochoices, a journal largely read by EU policy-makers. Publications have also been released in general public magazines such as The Conversation (November 2020) and Sesame (November 2021).

The OUTREACH group has published 9 newsletters to inform REECAP network about the activities organized by the project, other relevant conferences and job opportunities, as well as sharing information about relevant publications and working papers. Workshops’ slides and programs are available on the website ( The list of network members is updated regularly to facilitate exchange with the community. This was possible thanks to Alliance Europa funding of a communication intern.