Appels à projets européens sur le numérique

Des appels à projets Horizon 2020 abordent les enjeux liés au numérique dans l’Europe de demain.

Si vous êtes intéressés par les appels H2020 pour l’année 2020, contactez-nous ou CAP Europe au plus tôt pour avoir plus d’informations.


  • « Transformative impact of disruptive technologies in public services » – DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-02-2018-2019-2020. Echéance : 12/03/2020

Specific Challenge: The challenge is to assess the potential benefits and risks of using disruptive technologies in public administrations as well as the social impact, including the impact on public servants, of using them for government processes and governance (e.g. for registers, for archiving, for decision-making processes, etc.). In addition, the political, socio-economic, legal and cultural implications of disruptive technologies and their acceptance are important not only for public administrations, but also for citizens.

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  • « Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation » – DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020
Specific challenge: In cultural heritage institutions, the quantity of digital content is growing exponentially, together with the potential of new digital technology performance. This large amount of data presents an increasing challenge of management to curators. Work in this area should enable heritage institutions scholars and practioners to fully use the potential of digital technologies for managing, studying, conserving, restoring, making accessible, interlinking, disseminating and preserving their collections.
On the other hand, the technological advancement presents opportunities, namely with regard to digitisation. So far, digitisation focused mainly on capturing the visual appearance of individual objects, collections or sites. There is a real need to establish a comprehensive picture of the studied assets, capturing and re-creating not only visual and structural information, but also stories and experiences (stored in language data), together with their cultural and socio-historical context, as well as their evolution over time. In addition, the current approach to digitisation is often localised and static: single experts perform the digitisation and the archiving; the digitised cultural tangible (artefacts, historical sites) and intangible resources (stories, experiences, written memory of the society) are rarely consolidated and interlinked, preventing deeper exploitation of the resources through wider searchability via other domains, networks or languages.

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