Appel à projets européens sur la citoyenneté

La citoyenneté est le thème central d’un appel à projet Horizon 2020.


  • « Enhancing social rights and EU citizenship » – GOVERNANCE-04-2019 – Echéance : 14 Mars 2019.

Specific Challenge: Boosting social rights can help address divergence in social trends among Member States and reduce the risk of socio-economic shocks. At the same time, social rights are essential for the full realisation of EU citizenship and reaching the EU’s targets in reducing poverty and social exclusion. By mitigating social risks and by assisting people with transitions and vulnerabilities, social rights can boost trust to public governance. The challenge is to integrate the social dimension into European policies and to connect it with European citizenship going beyond the traditional focus on mobile citizens to look also at those who are « immobile ».

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